Map Ranking


Opponents defeated: 4.219 (48.)
Tribe: BUM

Villages (11) Coordinates Points
509|463 1.937
Barbarian village
506|461 945
506|465 3.828
Bonus village
508|463 5.242
508|462 3.576
505|460 980
509|461 4.734
510|464 1.412
507|462 2.953
monkeybills village
510|461 8.578
508|464 2.065
Victory achievements
Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 26 with your tribe ANARCHY.

Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 16 with your tribe ANARCHY.

Winning Tribe

You vanquished Casual 10 with your tribe Immortal Knights.

Combat achievements
Plunderer (Silver - Level 3)

Plunder resources from other villages 1.000 times.

Robber (Silver - Level 3)

Loot a total of 1.000.000 resources.

Conquest (Wood - Level 1)

Conquer a total of 5 villages.

Successful noble claims (Wood - Level 1)

Conquer 5 claimed villages.

The Warlord (Wood - Level 1)

Attack 10 different players

Wallbreaker (Wood - Level 1)

Destroy 25 Wall levels using your rams.

Growth achievements
Librarian (Silver - Level 3)

Discover 9 unique Skill Books.

Paladin's level (Silver - Level 3)

Level up your paladin to level 20.

Architect (Bronze - Level 2)

Build a total of 150 building levels!

Gatherer (Bronze - Level 2)

Scavenge a total of 10.000 resources.

Market Guru (Bronze - Level 2)

Trade resources using the market 100 times.

Recruitment Drive (Bronze - Level 2)

Recruit a total of 5.000 units!

Score champion (Bronze - Level 2)

Climb the rankings tables and reach 5.000 points.

Accomplished student (Wood - Level 1)

Improve your paladins' skills to a combined total of 15 skill levels.

Band of Brothers (Wood - Level 1)

Have 2 paladins.

Out of time (Wood - Level 1)

Use the instant complete option 15 times!

Wealth comes in gold (Wood - Level 1)

Mint 50 gold coins.

Other achievements
Years of Service (Gold - Level 14)

Play Tribal Wars for 14 years.

Seas of Fortune: Explorer (Gold - Level 4)

Explore 40 regions.

Seas of Fortune: Great Discovery (Silver - Level 3)

Explore 3 different islands.

Achievements on other worlds
Casual 10

World 16

World 17

World 53

World 66

Casual 12

Casual 8

World 67

World 68

World 74

Casual 13