Map Ranking


Casual endgame
Continent Tribes
Continent Players
Opponents defeated (tribe)
Opponents defeated
In a day
Rank Name Tribe Points Villages Points per village
1 tangerine TLS 3.992.281 440 9073
2 Sniping With Axes TLS 3.397.511 308 11031
3 dronaz TLS 3.142.283 344 9135
4 Unorthodox. TLS 2.839.857 311 9131
5 Whinny the Pooh TLS 1.976.577 194 10189
6 Squirtle The Turtle TLS 1.734.689 170 10204
7 Black Demon TLS 1.587.836 176 9022
8 AQUAEL TLS 1.558.370 150 10389
9 jonodriller TLS 1.498.313 159 9423
10 jamie.s TLS 1.467.859 143 10265
11 KushKing TLS 1.342.303 146 9194
12 lewyr TLS 1.225.600 127 9650
13 Padrow TLS 1.102.601 112 9845
14 Retr0 TLS 1.060.231 105 10097
15 Mass Extinction TLS 1.055.952 100 10560
16 TRAUMA TLS 1.021.399 98 10422
17 graveazm TLS 984.387 97 10148
18 Tactical Chaos TLS 807.840 78 10357
19 monkeybill TLS 792.738 79 10035
20 f the destroyer TLS 755.499 73 10349
21 De Luitenant TLS 752.122 85 8848
22 Vindictive TLS 706.044 66 10698
23 Insidious TLS 640.214 66 9700
24 Ray72 TLS 581.321 63 9227
25 Diabolical [FFL] 537.445 53 10140
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