Map Ranking


Tribe name:Flags
Number of members:18
Points of the best 40 players501.744
Total points:501.744
Average points:27.875
Opponents defeated: 5.664.500 (7.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
unknownsoldier99 1 88,200 53 9
Akdeniz123 2 78,790 55 9
Insomnia 3 77,978 57 8
amacon 4 74,936 58 8
m14 ebr 5 70,132 59 8
zeus420 6 14,143 88 2
Mr Chips 7 14,118 89 2
eggedyegg 8 13,988 90 2
Topley2012 9 11,087 98 1
Triarii2D 10 9,907 111 1
bigstick23 11 9,196 128 1
Adypaul 12 8,384 134 1
Greeb00 13 8,065 138 1
topshotta 14 7,618 144 1
BobbyBox8 15 6,747 151 1
Whoop 16 4,452 175 1
Pat Pending 17 3,379 183 1
Bergi161 18 624 237 1
Flags was founded by Insomnia. If you have questions please contact Insomnia.

This text can be changed by the tribal diplomats.