Map Ranking


Casual endgame
Continent Tribes
Continent Players
Opponents defeated (tribe)
Opponents defeated
In a day

Player ranking for the continent 55

Rank Name Tribe Points Villages Total villages
1 Whinny the Pooh TLS 1,98 Mil. 194 194
2 AQUAEL TLS 1,35 Mil. 130 150
3 Sniping With Axes TLS 1,03 Mil. 94 308
4 jamie.s TLS 794.822 78 143
5 graveazm TLS 731.979 72 97
6 KushKing TLS 678.881 78 146
7 Black Demon TLS 424.549 40 176
8 Clau.mar DOGS 377.883 36 38
9 lewyr TLS 308.791 28 127
10 tangerine TLS 283.773 47 440
11 Padrow TLS 277.882 27 112
12 keepster1 DOGS 232.665 28 40
13 Retr0 TLS 209.513 21 105
14 f the destroyer TLS 190.029 19 73
15 tparkes TLS 158.543 22 34
16 Tactical Chaos TLS 156.832 15 78
17 jockpolish ~CQ~ 144.967 14 14
18 Mass Extinction TLS 138.810 13 100
19 Vindictive TLS 129.525 13 66
20 MooMoo ~CQ~ 104.221 9 11
21 dronaz TLS 97.064 11 344
22 Squirtle The Turtle TLS 95.242 9 170
23 steel warrior DOGS 94.630 10 41
24 Demon Lord FRD 90.742 9 13
25 MysterT ~CQ~ 85.402 9 11
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