Map Ranking


Opponents defeated: 2.156 (51.)
Tribe: GRV

Villages (17) Coordinates Points
Cas14 - 001 Killerton
531|517 8.034
Cas14 - 002 Longrun Meadow
534|519 4.673
Cas14 - 003 Lodz
533|519 4.307
Cas14 - 004 Warrington
534|518 4.487
Cas14 - 005 Exeter Riverside
532|518 1.738
Cas14 - 006 Parke
534|520 1.681
Cas14 - 007 Seaton
535|519 1.645
Cas14 - 008 Wycombe Rye
536|519 1.571
Cas14 - 009 Didcot
533|515 1.671
Cas14 - 010 Lydiard
533|513 1.685
Cas14 - 011 Pennington Flash
530|514 1.686
Cas14 - 012 Tamar Lakes
530|512 1.736
Cas14 - 013 Exmouth
529|513 1.693
Cas14 - 014 Oxford
534|512 1.725
Cas14 - 015 Teignmouth Promenade
536|516 1.711
Cas14 - 016
537|516 1.260
Cas14 - 017
537|517 1.180
Victory achievements
Winning Tribe

You vanquished Casual 10 with your tribe Immortal Knights.

Combat achievements
Plunderer (Bronze - Level 2)

Plunder resources from other villages 100 times.

Robber (Bronze - Level 2)

Loot a total of 10.000 resources.

Conquest (Wood - Level 1)

Conquer a total of 5 villages.

Self-attack (Wood - Level 1)

Attack yourself and lose more than 10 units in one battle.


Conquer yourself, because that's the only way to show them who's boss.

Growth achievements
Librarian (Silver - Level 3)

Discover 9 unique Skill Books.

Architect (Bronze - Level 2)

Build a total of 150 building levels!

Band of Brothers (Bronze - Level 2)

Have 4 paladins.

Gatherer (Bronze - Level 2)

Scavenge a total of 10.000 resources.

Paladin's level (Bronze - Level 2)

Level up your paladin to level 10.

Recruitment Drive (Bronze - Level 2)

Recruit a total of 5.000 units!

Score champion (Bronze - Level 2)

Climb the rankings tables and reach 5.000 points.

Accomplished student (Wood - Level 1)

Improve your paladins' skills to a combined total of 15 skill levels.

Market Guru (Wood - Level 1)

Trade resources using the market 10 times.

Out of time (Wood - Level 1)

Use the instant complete option 15 times!

Wealth comes in gold (Wood - Level 1)

Mint 50 gold coins.

Other achievements
Years of Service (Silver - Level 3)

Play Tribal Wars for 3 years.

Seas of Fortune: Explorer (Gold - Level 4)

Explore 40 regions.

Seas of Fortune: Great Discovery (Gold - Level 4)

Explore 4 different islands.

Achievements on other worlds
World 50

World 52

World 53

World 54

World 55

World 56

World 57

World 58

World 59

World 60

World 61

World 63

World 64

World 65

World 66

World 67

World 69

World 70

World 71

World 72

Casual 10

Casual 12

Casual 13

Casual 7

Casual 8

Casual 9

World 68


World 73

World 74